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For all of the beginning modders
- grave_lol_reap
- KDX42 ( CVAR link )
- Asssisingreen500

Handy tools to start.
And 2 important programs I recommend when you are a noob to modding.


Brute CRC 32

Handy Stuff

Video Tutorial below by SpikedLamb.



Random Mods

Mod Tutorial

FrozenState's : Mod Tutorial

FrozenState's : Script Optimization

Monday, March 26, 2012

New Categories !

New Categories :         Link will be created during the progress.

(how to start & all of the basic) 

Advanced Mods (Flying, overpowered, knife as a scout,...)    Contains:
------Material mods 
(Wood, Bridges, Stairs, PLayers,...) 
------Health mods (Buddha, hurtme, impulse 101,...) 
------Voicemenu (Change MEDIC! into something personal,)

Pro Mods (UNMOD) (unassigned, sv_cheat, Mapname, skybox, spawnpoint,...) 
Contains :
------Weapon Mods 
(Knife as scout, Rocketlauncher heavy,...)   
------Server mods (time, balance, teams, gravity, captures,  Fast gameplay,...)   
------Unmod (sv_cheat , crits, Gravity,...) 

Sennheiser's personal mods (Fog ,Explosion Zappy,...)
-------Texture mods 
(colors, Draw_)Player Mods (Color, longer arms,...)   
-------Invisible sniper Glitch/Mods (Invisible Sniper ,Noclip ,unassigned ,...)
-------Personal (
 partyhat in-game, Attached Sentrygun, unlimited cloak, ubercharged skin, invisible, Colorful Map gameplay,...) 

The Spycrab

This post is to inform you all that the Spycrab is Extremely Endangered.

Dont kill the Spycrab .
Instead of Shooting him, Join him !

Modding Teamfortress2 Basic (With Pictures)

Here is a Preview of How To Mod Teamfortress2 on Ps3 WITH Pictures 

Here is the Link : Modding TeamFortress2 Basic ( WITH PICTURES)

Saturday, March 24, 2012

This is Notepad++

^ This here is the Screen of Notepad++

Here are 3 download links, and they are all safe.
Just to make sure.
It allows you to modify your TF2-0.CFG
Your TF2-0.CFG can ONLY be found if you copy your Teamfortress2  SaveData from Save Data Utility on PS3 to an USB-Stick.

When you have the TF2-0.CFG on your USB open it : like this :

This is your TF2-0.CFG

When you have opened it in Notepad++
You are free to edit your Commands/Buttons


This is Brute CRC32

-Download Link (.rar file) : BruteCRC32 Rar File ( needs to be extracted before use )
-Download Link ( .exe File ) : Brute CRC 32 Exe ( ready to use after download )

You must Select your file with [Select]

How you select it:

You will see a file named

and then you press the [Examine] Button

You will receive a Code.

You must copy Your code and paste it in the Request CRC32 (hex)

Then you Modify your File (can be found on this blog) , Press the [Examine] again, now you will receive a changed code.

Now you press [Do it!] and it will say "please don't kill me" .

If it asks you to Add Bytes, Click [YES]

And check on the 41st line (mostly 41 st for the beginners) if there are some weird symblos added to your file.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Creationdate :Thursday 22-03-12
By SennheiserSoundHound

My QR Code :