
Search mods


For all of the beginning modders
- grave_lol_reap
- KDX42 ( CVAR link )
- Asssisingreen500

Handy tools to start.
And 2 important programs I recommend when you are a noob to modding.


Brute CRC 32

Handy Stuff

Video Tutorial below by SpikedLamb.



Random Mods

Mod Tutorial

FrozenState's : Mod Tutorial

FrozenState's : Script Optimization

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Alyx (sexy) Mod + Download.

After a massive amount of pageviews because of the search terms as seen in the picture, I have decides to put the download of the Sexy Alyx Mod from Half Life on my blog as well.

As you can clearly see, the search term "Alyx Vance Sexy " has been searched more than the blog itself this month.


How to extract: In the RAR, there should be a "alyxreplace", open it, and there is one more, open that one too, now extract "models" and "materials" to any of your HL2 games (it works for them all, but I wouldn't recommend it in HL2:EP2).

Yours Sincerely Sennheiser_
& The Tobmps3 Crew
- Krieg_B_JONES ( Rank : Server Creator )
 - JRSinCProductions ( Rank : Promoter )

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Just a quick post (+ pics )


Today (so far) I have hosted the following servers :





All of these servers were testing servers, and were easy to modify. 

I have played with PBY_BC-PotaDOS

and JRSincPRoduction

Some realy close friends, which also have some of my rarest mods, and other good mods. 

Here are some pictures. 

( as you can clearly see, my friend PotaDOS had my awesome Hat mod ) 

< Here you see him wearing the hat >

< Here you see my welcome text and his hat , which ended up on his head by accident >

< he is so cute, he's waving at me :D >

< once again my welcome text > 

Yours Sincerely Sennheiser_
 & The Tobmps3 Crew
 - PBY_BC-PotaDOS_ ( Rank : Tester  )
 - Krieg_B_JONES ( Rank : Server Creator )
 - JRSinCProductions ( Rank : Promoter )

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Back in-game , testing

I am so happy to get back to modding again , that I immediately started modding ! 
This server , located on TF_US_EC_05 was hosted by me, with some servercommands, 
( The same that I used for my Birthday Server ( 27th of July ) 
I brought some friends to test out the addcon 5 once again. 
And it looked good. 
Look at them :D 

The players in this server are : 

- Sennheiser_ 

- Jimaras-halkidis

- Luke10michale9

- Chrisrusso1
- will-box


- toboe123345

My server has the following Servercommands.

wait 9000; ent_create point_servercommand ; ent_fire point_servercommand command "sv_cheats 1"
wait 9500; ent_create point servercommand ; ent_fire point_servercommand command "mp_restartround 5; sv_gravity 100; Hostname Sennheiser_ B-day server For you all !"
wait 10000;ent_create point_servercommand ; ent_fire point_servercommand command "host_timescale 1.5; mp_fastbuild 1; mp_maxrounds 10; mp_winlimit 30; tf_flag_caps_per_round 9"
wait 10250;say Speed is 1.5 x normal speed.
wait 10500;ent_create point_servercommand ; ent_fire point_servercommand command "tf_damage_critical_chance 100; tf_damage_critical_chance_rapid 100; tf_damage_critical_chance_melee 100; sv_maxvelocity 2500"
wait 11000;ent_create point_servercommand ; ent_fire point_servercommand command "tf_sentrygun_damage 100; tf_sentrygun_metal_per_shell 0; tf_sentrygun_metal_per_rocket 0; tf_spy_cloak_no_attack_time 0"
wait 11500;ent_create point_servercommand ; ent_fire point_servercommand command "tf_sentrygun_upgrade_per_hit 200; obj_dispenser_heal_rate 25; tf_spy_cloak_consume_rate 1; tf_spy_cloak_regen_rate 50"
wait 12000;ent_create point_servercommand ; ent_fire point_servercommand command "weapon_medigun_charge_rate 100;weapon_medigun_damage_modifier 3;  weapon_medigun_chargerelease_rate 30;tf_max_health_boost 4"
wait 12500;ent_create point_servercommand ; ent_fire point_servercommand command "tf_cheapobjects 1; tf_invuln_time 3; tf_boost_drain_time 3600"

NOTE: I normally don't post my servercommands. 

Yours Sincerely Sennheiser_
 & The Tobmps3 Crew
 - Krieg_B_JONES ( Rank : Server Creator )
 - JRSinCProductions ( Rank : Promoter )

Well that was quite the surprise...

So you all know, that I had fixed my PS3 just a few days ago , and I had to format everything, but glad enough I got my passwords and Email of my  "Sennheiser_ " account stored on my laptop, so I recreated it.

And When I started playing a game ( starting from scratch ) the server suddenly replaied : Searching Client ID's ,
And I knew there was something weird about it.

And then, i rememberedm it was one of my CFG I used, before my PS3 crashed,

So apperently my TF2 remembered my CFG and kept it in his mind.
Because everything was formatted :O

Yours Sincerely Sennheiser_
 & The Tobmps3 Crew
 - PBY_xBoOmeRx_ ( Rank : Scripter / Head of Testing )
 - Platinum_Koala ( Rank : Tester / Head of Scripter )
 - Krieg_B_JONES ( Rank : Server Creator )
 - JRSinCProductions ( Rank : Promoter )